timing signal

英 [ˈtaɪmɪŋ ˈsɪɡnəl] 美 [ˈtaɪmɪŋ ˈsɪɡnəl]

网络  定时信号; 时序信号; 计时信号; 外部定时讯号; 时标信号



  1. Timing board is responsible for information coding, information processing and generation of high precision timing signal.
  2. A state when a particular phase relation is built between the timing signal at the receiving end and the received timing signal.
  3. Design Practice of Timing Signal Generator Based on PC Parallel Port
  4. The timing signal of timing system kept synchronous with the radio-frequency of storage ring and the take jitter was small.
  5. Experimental Method for Forecasting Propagation Delay of Ground Wave for Timing Signal
  6. So, the timing signal should be set cautiously with the aid of other measures such as adjusting the interval duration, propaganda of traffic safety and rules.
  7. Simple Point Timing Signal Time Assignment and Traveling Capability Analysis by "Conflict Spot" Method
  8. Discussion on Using SDH to Transmit Timing Signal
  9. Design of CCD Timing Signal Generator
  10. For example, BITS is a kind of timing equipment, which is used to control the timing of some functions. The signal provided by the equipment is called primary signal, timing signal and synchronization signal.
  11. Analog-digital conversion based on timing signal
  12. A circuit for taking out timing signal from one dynode of photomultiplier is described.
  13. Secondly, it can output a switch and timing signal.
  14. The formula of field dispersion correction for timing signal has been used in literatures ( 1) and ( 2).
  15. Because timing signal is sensitive to noise and in-terference, the indexes of PLL circuit determine the capability of systems.
  16. Detection of a timing signal in noise produced by a high speed moving body entering into water
  17. The GPS timing signal is used as the frequency corretion.
  18. The kernel functions such as test signal storage, video timing signal generation and systems control signal generation are realized by field programmable gate array ( FPGA).
  19. Therefore, maintenance personnel of telecommunication network shall value the reasonable application of synchronous timing signal and actively improve the existing clock synchronization to enhance the overall quality of transmission network.
  20. The other hand, the central node receives the synchronized system clock and trigger signal from the timing signal fiber optic network, which provided by the core module.
  21. Firstly, the CCD driver timing program was designed based on the thinking of state machine by VHDL language. The simulation results show that each timing signal could satisfy the need of Array CCD.
  22. Experiment chooses the interline transfer progressive scan CCD KAI-1003 as the imaging device, and uses PLD to control the driving timing signal for the sake of matching the velocity between CCD and object.
  23. Because most of the timing signal data in the database is dynamic in actual situation, so the general rule based on static database access method is clearly deficient.
  24. The main works and contributions can be summarized as follows: ( 1) Low frequency timing signal interference of ground waves and sky waves are studied.
  25. However, due to the confidentiality of technology, almost no information is open. And all of them use the timing signal of GPS navigation system to carry out the synchronization.
  26. Constant fraction timing technology by a constant percentage point at the rising edge of timing signal, can effectively reduce the time swimming because the signal rise change.
  27. It requires that the sending waveform is adjusted to different channel Characteristics and the timing signal comforts to transmission channel, the timing system must has the capability to check channel characteristics at any moment.
  28. It always takes a high-precision timing signal as a sign or for reference.
  29. Ignite secondary wave, primary wave and ignite timing signal wave can provide valuable data about each air cylinder ignition and combustion status.